There is constant pressure for working women to be presentable, to look good and have a flawless skin. But the challenge is – there is little time to spend for self care, very little for caring the skin. So here are some tips to take care of your skin with minimal time.
Cleansing: Most of us know that skin cleansers are chosen depending on the skin type- oily, dry or combination. But, it is important to know that even oily skin can get dehydrated with harsh cleansers. Cleansing your skin three times a day is good, at least twice is required to keep your skin clean.
Day care: A moisturizer and a sunscreen are general advice. How to choose a moisturizer is very important. It depends not only on skin type, also if you have acne and open pores etc. It is better to get yourself examined by an expert and stick to the recommendation. Next is a good sunscreen. It depends on the type of work, sun exposure habits, hobbies and sports activities. Discuss the SPF, water resistance and suitability to your requirements with your dermatologist before you buy one.
Night care: Anti ageing cream is all that you have to use at night. If you have a dry skin , a moistuiser that contains vitamin E is generally recommended. It also depends on the skin elasticity and amount of sun damage that your skin has undergone. For a moderately sun damaged skin, retinoids , vitamin A derivatives are commonly recommended, the strength of which is determined by your dermatologist.
Regular exfoliation:
Normally, the dead skin cells are shed off and the new cells are produced. As we age, the shedding becomes slow and we need to do it periodically. Using a good scrub once a week helps. For those who have an oily skin, using an exfoliating face wash twice daily is a good option. People with dry skin cannot do so as they may irritate their skin. So, the can use a mild cleansers. Visiting your skin specialist once in two three months for an exfoliation treatment is extremely beneficial as it not only gives you a fresh look, but also has anti-ageing benefits. It is also called chemical peels, though there are products like vitamins and fruit acids are also used. Chemical peel is a simple, cost effective and superfast procedure to make your skin have a healthy glow.